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[E-Book] Two Dzogchen Texts (ePub, Mobi)

Ebook - 12,00€ (without VAT)


Disponibile come: Libro - 15,00€

NEW ISBN: 978-88-7834-402-0

Translated from Tibetan by Jim Valby

This book contains two Dzogchen texts translated from Tibetan by Jim Valby. The first text is the Semde lung named The Primordial State of the King of Space (Byang chub sems nam mkha'i rgyal po). The second text is the ninth chapter about the mandala from the principal Longde tantra The King of the Infinite Primordial Dimension (Klong chen rab byams rgyal po). Since the meaning of these original Dzogchen texts is very condensed, the two word commentaries written by Jim Valby are a very useful key for understanding them. The Tibetan text is included.

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